What Others are Saying!
“Everytime I cook chicken on the True Wave it has been fantastically juicy, and the skin is right on the money” - Troy (T-Roy Cooks Youtube). Check out T-Roy Cooks for a discount.
"I love the True Wave Grill – I got three of them to essentially rejuvenate my entire BBQ grill, and now can cook those foods that used to flame-up and burn without the char and without the water bottle standing by to put out the fire. Ribs right on the grill over direct heat turn out juicy and leave a perfect bite and with just a small tug they come off the bone with that flavor I remember from when I was a kid (charcoal not propane). The chicken does not burst into flames and has natural BBQ flavor." - Pete S
"I grilled a 10 pound beef tenderloin on the True Wave. It was so incredibly juicy. Meals on the True Wave are always a big hit with the gang." - John L